who we are
Studio10Architecture was founded by Duncan Flemington in 2021, as a small design led architectural studio specialising in residential design and planning.
Duncan qualified as an architect in 2013, having studied at the University of Bath, TU Delft and the Welsh School of Architecture (Cardiff University). In previous roles, Duncan has led the design and construction of projects of various scales, from house extensions to multi-unit residential, educational buildings and large mixed use schemes. Duncan combines a strong passion for sustainable design, together with a range of design software skills and expertise in traditional drawing and model making.
The Studio10Architecture ethos is centred around context driven architecture which connects people with their environment. Through an options based design approach, we take great care in finding the optimum solution for our client’s requirements, while providing designs which are well considered and appropriate within the immediate and wider context.
Our Services
Supporting residential clients, developers and landowners with sketch proposals and accommodation studies
Concept and technical design of building and landscape works
3D imagery of projects during design and key milestones
Preparing planning applications, managing the submission and monitoring.
Tendering, monitoring construction and contract administration
We pride ourselves in producing and options-based design approach and involving our clients every step of the way. Through this rigorous and iterative process, we aim to produce work which is inspiring and finely tailored to our client’s requirements. A key part of our process is to utilise a wide range of skills, from traditional architect’s sketching and model making, through to Building Information Modelling (BIM) software where we build the context and design proposals in a 3D environment. Our BIM model can be used for analysis, visualisation technical design and scheduling.
Some clients have a clearly defined brief, but many do not. We approach each project with an options-based approach. This usually starts with the spatial requirements and layout configurations, following by massing studies and finally the appearance and materiality. At key milestones, we discuss the pros and cons of the options study with clients and agree a preferred option or options to pursue in the next stage.
We make models during the concept design phase of the project to explore massing and physical relationships between buildings and spaces. We use a variety of materials for model making, from sketch models in cardboard or styrofoam and presentation models in timber and 3D printing direct from our BIM model. We find that models more appropriate and engaging than drawings when presenting the project to planning authorities, key stakeholders and the public.
A key part of our design approach is to analyse the proposals within the context using our BIM model. When we prepare planning applications for residential projects, we can justify the proposals through analysis of sunlight falling on windows, the overshadowing impact, daylight levels and for larger projects – wind. The analysis feeds back into the design process, allowing rooms and volumes to benefit from orientation while not compromising neighbouring amenity.
We enjoy working on visualisations which provide highly detailed representations of buildings and landscape at key project milestones. The visualisations convey the scale and materials, offering clients a comprehensive understanding the appearance of the proposals. By providing detailed and realistic views, we facilitate better communication and informed decision making. We have in house visualisation capabilities and often work with external CGI artists for larger projects.
When a planning permission is granted, we progress the design to the next level of detail called Technical Design. Our work focusses on the technical aspects of the building envelope, to meet building regulations and ensure a high performance and environmentally responsible design solution. We also focus on the bespoke design elements and materials and the art of how things go together – known as tectonics. We produce technical design information in 2D and 3D.
When a project starts on site, our primary role is to protect the integrity design continuity and build quality. We visit site regularly either as a client representative or as impartial contract administrator. Part of our role is to check and coordinate design information from other parties in order resolve any design details before building elements arrive on site. As the project approaches completion, we carry out inspections and snagging before the project is handed over.
plan of work
We often work aligned to the RIBA Plan of Work stages for small projects with a particular emphasis on a series of early design options, both in terms of layout and external appearance. Our fees are usually structured around the Plan of Work stages. The work stages are optional depending on client requirements. At the beginning of a project, the expected level of service will be discussed and a scope of services and fee proposal will be provided.
When you contact us, we will ask some key details about your project and discuss our suitability. We would then provide a full scope of services and fee proposal for review and schedule an appointment to visit the building/site.
The aim of this first visit is to identify any potential planning issues and assess the site itself. If it is a remodelling refurbishment project the aim will be to understand the overall scope and how the client aims to use the spaces. A visual survey and key measurements will be undertaken.
Following the initial meeting and discussion we will refine our scope an fee proposal and if necessary, issue you with a letter of appointment with serve as a contract. We will write the project brief which will capture the key requirements and provide a design programme with key milestones.
Some projects will require surveys and the appointment of specialist consultants either for planning applications or construction, which we will advise on. We usually act as lead consultant and coordinate the input of other specialist input.
At Stage 2, will prepare concept design options for the layout and overall appearance of the project. We always involve our clients in the optioning process by issuing regular ‘sketchbooks’ for review. The selected option(s) will be developed in more detail. Our design material at Stage 2 is a mixture of drawings, sketches and 3D illustrations.
Depending on the type of project, a planning pre-application can be submitted to the local planning authority. This is usually for schemes involving mutli-unit residential, conservation areas and listed buildings.
Subject to your approval of the concept designs, we will then develop a set of plans, elevations and other design information. This is where we spend time developing the concept design into a more detailed design to include drawings and visulations of the exterior and interier.
These more detailed drawings include all practical considerations and are coordinated with the work of any other consultants. Once the developed design is agreed then we will submit a planning application if required.
Once planning permission has been obtained, Technical Design is required to ensure Building Control compliance and for tendering. The output of this work stage is a fully coordinated and detailed architectural drawing package and all of the supporting information required for construction.
We support clients in a competitive tendering process in order to appoint a contractor. We can commuicate with potential cnstractors, provide a shortlist and manage the tender information and process.
Starting work on site is a really exciting milestone for any project, whether it’s a renovation or a new build. We work closely with contractors to ensure the design concept is executed with precision and in accordance with the drawings.
We are trained to oversee the build and administer the contract between the client and builder. For this work stage we visit site regularly, host and minute meetings, answer client and contractor queries, monitor progress, certify payments and produce ‘as constructed’ information.